British Airways Flight Cancelled?

Due to an airline issue? Claim up to £540 per passenger.

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British Airways Flight Cancellation Compensation with

If you’ve flown with British Airways within the last 6 years and your flight was cancelled due to an airline issue, then you may be entitled to receive up to £540 per passenger in compensation.

Simply enter the details of your cancelled British Airways flight into our online claims form above to get a quick decision on your British Airways compensation claim, with no-obligation.

Get your compensation in 3 simple steps:

Enter your flight details into our secure online claims form.

Our systems check your flight and calculate how much you can claim.

You receive your compensation. 100% no-win no-fee and no-risk.

Flight Cancellations - Your Rights

Under EU rule 261/2004, if your British Airways flight was cancelled due to an issue with the airline, then it is your right to receive compensation. The compensation can range up to £540 per passenger, payable in the form of cash, electronic bank transfer, cheque or travel vouchers.

Important points to consider:

  • Claims must relate to flight from 2019 onwards.
  • The flight must have been scheduled to depart from an EU airport, and can include any airline; or arrive at an EU airport using an EU carrier.
  • The cancellation must be due to an issue with the airline. Extraordinary circumstances are not covered.
  • The compensation will be proportional to the distance of the flight that was scheduled.

Get a quick decision now

Get a quick decision on your British Airways flight compensation claim. Simply enter your flight details into our online claims form above to get started.

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